On July 21, 2020 the Eighth Judicial District Attorney’s Office completed its first jury trial in the district since the COVID-19 pandemic. It occurred in Colfax County in State v. Jason Van Sweden, D-809-CR-2018-00195. Precautions were taken to keep jurors and all parties safe during trial. The court dedicated the entire day of July 20, 2020 to jury selection due to COVID-19 precautions. During jury selection one member from the jury pool, who had expressed concerns about COVID-19 on his supplemental questionnaire, was asked if he still had those concerns. That individual stated he no longer had those concerns once he saw the precautions that were taken in the courthouse, which included social distancing and mask compliance at all times. Hand sanitizer was placed throughout the courtroom, and the jurors never congregated in a small room but rather deliberated in the larger courtroom. The Eighth Judicial District Attorney’s Office considers this jury trial a success; the trial ran smoothly with the precautions in place. The defendant was convicted of aggravated driving while under the influence of intoxicating liquor (fifth offense) and two counts of resisting, evading, or obstructing an officer. Sentencing will occur at a later date.